About Us
Our Vision
Step Up...
Empower self-determination and Aboriginal led solutions
Stand Tall...
Lead the way with cultural and business integrity
Walk Together...
Build inclusive relationships, partnerships and community through mutual respect and empathy
Our Purpose
We are a leading Aboriginal Community Control Organisation that exists to support the
unique and evolving needs of Aboriginal people in our community.
This is achieved by:
Implementing a Culturally Informed Trauma Integrated Healing Approach
Promoting Noongar social and cultural values
Providing a united voice for our community
Improving justice outcomes for survivors of family violence and sexual
assault -
Coordinating access to quality and affordable housing
Supporting better health outcomes
Coordinating accessible programs and initiatives that build a solid foundation for future prosperity
SAC Strategic Key Focus Areas
​We will focus on the following priority areas to achieve our vision:
Demonstrating excellence in governance
Fostering a leadership function
Delivering quality and effective services
Representing as an employer of choice
Strengthening organisational profile and brand
Building sustainability and prosperity
Providing comprehensive asset management
SAC Values and Cultural Way of Working
Pathway to Achieving Our Vision:
Our pathway to achieving our vision is strengthened by our
values and our cultural way of working.
We step up...
We empower our people through supporting self-determined and Aboriginal-led solutions which leads to building our people and our community.
We promote equity and seeking justice for all by implementing a culturally informed trauma integrated healing approach which allows us to provide a culturally safe place and dignified service provision.
We embrace change and new perspectives which helps us grow and make informed decisions.
We stand tall...
We acknowledge and take pride in sharing where our journey started and how this influences our journey ahead.
We embrace cultural integrity as a norm and inspire others to do the same.
Our commitment to practicing good governance builds trust and faith in all that we do through operating with integrity, accountability and ethical business practices.
We walk together...
We value relationships based on mutual respect and treat people with empathy and compassion.
Through a community led approach we build partnerships by embracing collaboration and co-design principles.