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Board of Directors

Daniel Colbung

Chairperson and Member, Albany Ward, Term: 2023 - Present


Superintendent of site rehabilitation team at BHP Limited, with a focus on creating opportunities for traditional owners to work and develop.


He is also a committee member of Cultural AdvisoryCommittee of Wagyl Kaip and Southern Noongar (WKSN) Corporation.


Leah Dann

Director Member, Narrogin Ward, Term: November 2016 – Present 


Leah is a Noongar Elder. Leah has worked in the Education Department with Playgroup Australia for many years. She has completed a Governance course through ORIC in 2017. 


Leah also worked in the Baptist Care for over three years and is an enthusiastic community member always helping where she can. She has previously held a Director’s role with the Seabrook Aboriginal Corporation, Brookton.


Faye Slater

Director and Member, Narrogin Ward, Term: November 2015 – Present


Fay is a Noongar Elder. Fay has been a TAFE program Manager for Aboriginal studies. She has completed a Governance course through ORIC in 2017.


Fay was a previous Chairperson for Seabrook Aboriginal Corporation. She has also served as Independent Director on South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (SWALSC).


Elizabeth Woods

Director and Member, Albany Ward, Term: January 2025 - Present


Elizabeth (Eliza) is a Noongar Elder. 


Eliza holds a Cert IV in Assessment and Workplace Training; Cert III in Workplace Mentoring; a Degree in Aboriginal Community Management and Development, and has been the Chairperson of Nowanup Noongar Boodja Ltd since 2022.


David Colbung Sr

Director and Member, Albany ward, Term: 2023 - Present

David is a High School Graduate and a current employee of BHP Limited.


Trevor Eades

Director and Member, Bunbury Ward, Term: November 2010 - Present


Trevor is a Noongar Elder.  He has completed a governance course through ORIC in 2017.


Trevor is a past member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC). He was also on a working party for the Wagyl Kaip and Southern Noongar committee; was employed at the Bunbury Prison as a Noongar ABS worker and spent 15 years on the Noongar Land Council.


Peter Jetta

Director and Member, Bunbury Ward, Term: January 2025 - Present


Peter has previously held the Chairperson role for SAC, and has been  a Director on the Bunbury Aboriginal Christian Fellowship Board since 2022.

He is a High School Graduate, mentor for Indigenous children, football coach and has been a TAFE supervisor for four years.

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