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Moorditj Koort Kaat is the Noongar words meaning ‘Solid Heart and Head’.


Southern Aboriginal Corporation have introduced Moorditj Koort Kaat as an ‘umbrella project’ that supports Aboriginal males (adult and youth) and their identified needs.


If you have a suggestion regarding activities or initiatives for Aboriginal men and youth that will create a positive impact in your community please let us know.

Moorditj Koort Kaat Bystander Empowerment Project

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Southern Aboriginal Corporation delivers training to empower Aboriginal Men to be role models against violence towards Elders, women and their children. Training is delivered through implementing a culturally informed trauma integrated healing approach and addresses:

  • The prevalence of family, domestic and sexual violence in the community;

  • The different forms of violence;

  • The impacts of violence against Elders, women and their children;

  • The importance of gender equality to address the issues;

  • What constitutes a respectful relationship;

  • What the key drivers of change are and how important their contribution is;

  • How to approach and engage in conversation to create change in attitudes, beliefs and behaviours;

  • Their role as advocates and intergenerational change; and

  • How to champion others in making changes.


More information on what bystander action is can be found at: Bystander Research Snapshot Report (


You can be a bystander by identifying, speaking out about or seeking to engage others in responding to incidents of violence or beliefs, behaviours, attitudes or practices that contribute to violence.


Actions that will prevent violence against women include:

  • Challenging the condoning of violence against women. We do not accept that violence against women is normal or inevitable and we will challenge any social norms, structures or practices that condone or excuse it.

  • Promote women’s independence and decision-making. We ensure that women have access to the same resources, power and opportunities as men.

  • Challenge gender stereotypes and roles. We support children, young people and adults to develop positive personal identities free from restrictive gender stereotypes. And we promote gender-equitable roles in parenting, work and other areas.

  • Strengthen positive, equal and respectful relationships. We challenge disrespectful behaviour towards women, and assumptions that men should have power and control in relationships. And we work with children and young people to promote respect and gender equality.

  • Promote and normalise gender equality in public and private life. We support women’s social, economic, cultural and political participation, as well as equality in relationships. (Our Watch, 2021)


To enquire about training opportunities please contact Southern Aboriginal Corporation.

Southern Aboriginal Corporation proudly partnered with Lotterywest to implement this initiative
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